
  • Interesting tidbits, nicely presented! I was drawn in by your intro to each tweet, and felt connected.
  • first book I thought I had two different novels going but then I found a black velvet coat that both characters owned and realized they were connected and that it was all one novel...
  • Beautiful. It's so powerful to be connected to that larger reason why you write!
  • ...ough. And savoring what I do. Loving it. And myself. Often this requires slowing down and checking in with my gut. When I'm listening and deeply connected, my heart guides me. At times...
  •  I am trying to work with an accountability partner -but I find that isn't working.  I need a loud bullhorn that goes off when I veer off to start or finish something not connected to writing. 
  • ...take a page out of your book" for Camp NaNoWriMo in July, and the main event next November....and in between as well!  You are right in keeping connected with the NaNoWriMo writing tr...
  • ...ear, that it is never a personal diss when someone doesn't buy our books. When I vend at a book fair, I always end up leaving feeling a bit more connected to something greater because...
  • Romi Grossberg commented on her article Are you a Perfectionist?
    Loved your comment Laurie, you have some gems in there - "there is a certain anxiety connected to letting go of perfection, but it is far less than the anxiety of perfectionism itself"...
  • I find there is a certain anxiety connected to letting go of perfection, but it is far less than the anxiety of perfectionism itself, and the one I am getting better at living with. Li...
  • ...te teaching three courses (10 days ago) before getting back to the routine. No meltdown, but I needed a break. When I first came to SheWrites, I connected with Lene Fogelburg and her a...