
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • Siobhan, I just want to be able to someday yell, "NO BROWN M&Ms!"
  • Hey Joyce! What a nice surprise to see you here. Your expert advice for writers is perfect! And thanks so much for the good words for Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge.
  • I think I am up-to-date again! Here is the newest She Writes Twitter List **Please note if you gave 2 twitter handles I only added 1, if I chose incorrectly please let...
  • Niki Tulk commented on her article Read-Aloud, Anyone?
    I hear you on the bravery aspect. I did my first public reading of excerpts from S & W for fellow MFA students in December, and it was terrifying! Thankfully they...
  • Dear Kamy, I am walking EXACTLY the same road as you (except I don't have little ones to oversee).  I am three chapters into my novel, and once the editor did her work...
  • Excellent post, Evette! The mixing of genres, to me, is similar to the "mashups" that are more popular than ever -- in music, on the Web, all around us. I've been a lo...
  • Hi, Cindi!  I always write when traveling, too!  But I'm usually with my husband and kids, so early, early morning, I have to find a quiet place somewhere in the hotel...
  • As always, balance is the key word. You're so right. But I...hink that many of us are actively looking for other models of compensation. The iTunes...lly -- free. I'm interested in what kinds of other models SheWriters might suggest.
  • From my blog, Léna's Lit Life. Thank You, Dr. King Cover of Martin Luther King, Jr. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate...