
  • Quick comments concerning questions #3 and #4. Number 3 -...Writers. All writers need to have a mentor, a role model and an advocate. The three a...d others times we learn. Often when in the teaching mode, we learn. When in the learni...
  • Yeeeees, thank you for sharing! You state things so clearly that I can really nod too,...t my instincts as a paid writer (which have been set to "panic and desperation mode" for a few months) have been...
  • Mary Jo-- It is evolving isn't it. People on the internet like Jane Friedman really help with that piece of the curve. Mary-- What's with all those acronyms? And I fel...
  • Thank you for sharing this link with She Writes, Marie. Your piece is incredibly important.
  • Sharrie, thanks so much for your thoughtful comments about what to lay bare and what to keep reserved in memoir. I'll have to look up Brene Brown--thanks for the tip!...
  • Thanks for the information...I love coming here to be mentored and book has been out for about a month and I didn't come from a writing background so I...
  • I left a comment where the piece appears in full. Thank you for sharing this with me. I did appreciate it.
  • What a great story!  Thanks for sharing.  Looking forward to your memoir! Kelly Hayes-Raitt Mosey on over to my web site and sign in for your free gift -- an mp3 of me reading my book's first chapter about a beggar in Iraq! ...And a pre-publication discount!
  • Great post I love to read and support other authors. I did that long before I wrote a single word. Now however because I am in the writing and creating stages after pu...
  • Thank you for sharing this. It's so NOT your fault. Women don't ask for this. It's beasts who harm. Be good to yourself...and yes, protect your daughters too. I hear you. Got one myself.