
  • Oops - I spoke to soon.  Just realized the image needs to be resized.  When you're in visual editor mode, click "edit" on the photo and resize to 300?  Thank you Mary!!
  • Thanks so much for taking a look and for your positive feedback! I'd love to take a look at some of your favorite book trailers since I am always in click-through to the inspiration matrix....!
  • For me making resolutions on an assigned day is a trap and a sure way to feel defeated. I think there is a statistic that by January 8 of each new year most people hav...
  • I took an on-line writing course through Stanford University and found it less than inspiring. I put this down to the on-line medium itself--the lack of face-to-face c...
  • Congratulations! Ican so relate to the waiting to click. My writing partner Laura Hall and I just launched our musical on kickstarter and there were a million little details to tend to first.
  • I'm glad so many people have enjoyed my post! @Darlene, the way to add a general status update is to go to the "Currently Reading" section on the right side of the page and click on the "general update" tab. :)
  • Thanks, Deborah! If you didn't already, click on the link above and check out the rest of the article at my blog poetryNprogress. I give some answers about how to give and get helpful feedback. or just click here. Thanks again!
  • I self-published my humor, non-fiction eBook A WALK IN THE SNARK using a professional editor and cover artist. I cofounded the Indie Book Collective last October and w...
  • I'd like to add my own blog to your list.It's called Dancing with Everything and it's on my website -  I am most faithful in writing once...
  • Renate, Thanks for the heads up and for including parts of the fine Trivia editorial and contents. The opening paragraph made me think of a Centrum workshop led by Dor...