
Discussion topics

  • Journal writing is the springboard for all my writing - poetry, haiku, prose. I write up events, ideas, thoughts, what I like about and think works in books or poems t...
  • The Back of My Hand Skin more chicken-foot than I'd like--deep cross hatching and folds around knuckles and joints fine, fair but erratic hairs depending on the light...
  • Dear Phyllis, My mother's name is Phyllis, so your group caught my eye! :) How would you feel about allowing members into your group who have completed a memoir...


  • I literally open a manila "file" for each idea I come up with. I write the project title on the tab and then slip the napkin, scrap of paper, etc. into the jacket. Whe...
  • I find my voice in description....when I envision a scene and place myself in the place of the protagonist....I am living the experience and describing it from the ins...
  • I have gone through periods of writing "morning pages." The practice is so therapeutic, and I usually take time and read a chunk, glean the great ideas (either message...