
Discussion topics

  • I think that Jennifer is on to something. What if you led with "On a school trip to Greece..." and then showed us something eerie/mysterious that happens there to illu...
  • Sally, don't be afraid. You're writing A BOOK! You CAN write a query. Yes, you can hire someone but I believe that your query will work best when it reeks of you, insi...
  • My grandmother was a medium. Her husband was an Episcopal Minister. I'm betting that made for some interesting household "nuances"! I also knew of a man, a lapsed...


  • Okay so let me expand on social networking a bit.... popular enough for the phrase social network marketing to be coined and used in pitches aimed at folks such as us....
  • Carol, see how your passion and belief in your books message comes through, see how many different aspects of how you can take the message you have?  That is the reason you can make that book a success.  I am betting on you already, good luck, Edward Smith. 
  • What a beautiful, inspiring project! I love the photos, the thoughts and poem you shared, the light that emanates throughout. Just lovely! Also interesting to learn ho...