
  • Loved learning about your process.  I have an author's daily planner from 2011 that contains ideas for writing prompts and information about the submission acceptance...
  • I have read that grammar rules have changed, but in the byline to this story, the writer uses "coworker" and the pronoun "their" together.  Also "driver" and "their."...
  • Oh, I love this! Thank you, Bella! Yes, acceptance lies at the core of serenity. Such a simple concept and yet ... not so easy to do. What a great reminder to breathe...
  • Winding down and gearing up. Hmm... a great way to describe the vacuum between endings and new beginnings. But balancing these opposing forces can feel like the push/p...
  • Great post! I love how you went from feeling threatened to acceptance to collaboration.
  • Here is my lifelong strategy: God grant me the courage to change the things I can The serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the differen...
  • @Kathryn - Thanks for sharing news from the trenches! :)  And thanks for mentioning the time lag between acceptance, publication, and first royalty statement. A dollar...
  • Hi Amy, I enjoyed reading your post. I think that while love should be colorblind obviously acceptance itsn't. I admit to having a problem with this issue in the past...
  • I call this waiting period "In the hallway" the old saying goes that "When one door closes another window opens—but the hallway sucks" A good friend of mine pointed ou...
  • The woman you left bruised and bleeding is gone. In her place I stand. A testament to the power of survival, healing, acceptance and love. IWS