
Discussion topics

  • I agree it can be discouraging but it only says that those of us who are new and unpublished need to complete our manuscript before trying to get published. Also, alth...
  • I've decided I need a reward system. My 3-year old is now potty training and gets M&Ms when he uses the toilet (I know, I know...but so far nothing else has given...
  • Hi Jesse! you will have to clue me in - you finished the story but you want to do a re-write?  or a sequel? :) the studying this week has been less than productive.  I...


  • I both agree with the need to find one's true voice(s), depending on what type of writing we set out to do, and the need to keep a hand on the pulse of our everyday li...
  • It does seem so unjust that, after accomplishing the remarkable feat of WRITING A BOOK, you then need to do all this other stuff. A few of my blurbs came from emails s...
  • I read The Memoir Project! It captured one of my issues so perfectly: perpetually seeking out prompts and writing advice but never really accomplishing anything. After...