
  • Yeeeees, thank you for sharing! You state things so clearly that I can really nod too,...t my instincts as a paid writer (which have been set to "panic and desperation mode" for a few months) have been...
  • I have recently started reviewing. I can see the point of publishing a less than positive review about famous books that readers are standing in line to buy because of...
  • Writer and mother of a relinquished child here... As a writer, I am humbled by the struggle of what to call mothers who have relinquished children for adoption, other...
  • I've experienced something similar. Not with my parents who were my biggest cheerleaders, but with male friends who thought my novel based on family history from 3 dif...
  • Rachel, Thank you for the courage to write this.  You aren't alone.  I share some very similar experiences mentioned above, some I will never mention.  But unlike the...
  • Good writing and a compelling story will grab me every time, whether it is memoir or fiction. I gravitate to women's writing in general, but to women's memoirs in part...
  • Your post on writer's groups was good and informative. For those who are experienced writer's can or should be able to do as mentioned. A lot of writer's groups invite...
  • As you said, unfortunately bullying does not end after high school. I experienced some in college at the hands of a teacher who attempted to form cliques with certain...
  • Arwa Salah Mahmoud commented on her article For Those Who Stand
    LOL Cathy! I love the hair on your legs note! I like cold but only up to a point, at least as long as I can keep myself warm, and after a month or two I start longing...
  • Wow, thanks for this post!  I've never experienced writer's block, but "underwhelmed ambivalence I HAVE experienced and it's comforting to know I'm not the only one.