
  • I've been doing these book talks for about 40 years.  Since most (but not all) of my books are cookbooks and I usually give a demo, it takes me lots of time to assembl...
  • A fellow teacher at a college in Toronto ran a course in Best Sellers which was very popular with the students. Do you remember how poorly The Bridges of Madision Coun...
  • Zetta, what a great article. Most of us have received bad reviews, including myself, and it can be hurtful but also a good learning experience. To ease the pain, you c...
  • I am really thinking that trying to make a best seller is sort of like trying to find love. You don't know what's going to work. As a single person, the suggestions pe...
  • Julie, Yes, I have talked myself out of writing about ideas, and then found three years later one of my ideas, in someone else's words, on top of the Best Seller List....
  • Florinda, Thanks for your concise and thorough review of the so-called Franzen Feud. I am with you in every respect. As a reader I gravitate to fiction that mirrors th...
  • Yep, that's me, too!  Master Procrastinator.  Tricks I've tried that (sometimes) work: 1.  Sign up to read at my writers group.  Even though it's 2 weeks away, I usual...
  • Hi Tayari, In 2003 someone at a Dorothy Allison workshop mentioned NaNoWriMo. Dorothy thought it might be a good way for whoever was up to that. I wasn't. I've been w...
  • I belong to the California Writers Club (founded in 1909 by Jack London and friends) and at one monthly meeting we had a talk by a husband and wife team, who have been...