
  • I like her response. I would love to hear some men answer the same question. It would interest me to know (male writers who also balance work and family) what their secrets are to their success in both. Too bad we make assumptions that men do NOT balance their families and work.
  • Ah, the election. So many of us fell flat. It's taken weeks to find some balance and get back to work. Here's from a great writer and friend, who wrote, "In these terrible days, it's...
  • ...ave been exposing my hybrid writings to a critique group for technical advice and general feedback. I find that as I continue to write there is a balance of taking such advise while s...
  • Congratulations on publishing novel #1 and best of luck working through novel #2! I wish you the best in finding an enjoyable balance between producing marketing content and writing f...
  • How well I understand you.. Life balance is such an important thing that we cannot simply avoid it. I've been struggling with myself for the last 7 years already. And even when I feel like writing, I need some time to reassure myself that it's worth it. Am I a bad writer then?
  • ...n with myself from time to time that I leave my desk, stretch, get some fresh air, and see real live people, too. It's definitely about finding a balance! Nice post, Bonnie.
  • ...when you get feedback that is supportive, or provides a sense you are not alone.  But it takes courage and super support as you do it so you can balance yourself. Best wishes!...
  •, but hope to post on other sites from time to time. Time is so precious. Writing is precious. Connection too, real connection. Finding a balance in it all is the trick! Thank...
  • 2:20 pm when they get off the bus) - is being a full-time mom of three.  It is excruciatingly hard to stop writing, and I am always working on balance - the key to the universe!  I...
  • ...time movies to know that our therapists can be rather fragile creatures and we certainly wouldn't want to do anything that my upset that delicate balance. Seriously though.... great...