

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Do you want to make the process of shopping easier for you?...their behavior with bank good.  Most accepted mode Yes, without any doubt, a credit card is the most accepted mode on any online website. If you...
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  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Do you want to make the process of shopping easier for you?...their behavior with bank good.  Most accepted mode Yes, without any doubt, a credit card is the most accepted mode on any online website. If you...
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  • Congratulations, Roberta! I haven't received mine yet but am looking forward to it even more based on your note. Here's to you and here's to savoring the moments... Best, Cheryl


  • Kiernan Antares posted a status
    I am preparing to write my memoir; reviewing inciting life incidents to identify my theme and reading memoirs to understand the process better. I wrote a novel loosely...
  • Wanda Fischer posted a status
    The closer I get to unveiling my book, the more anxious I become. One of the characters is loosely based on someone I met many years ago. However, even though I've con...
  • Louella Bryant posted a status
    My new novel COWBOY CODE is five weeks away from publication. As a preview, I offer a blog post about how I came to spend 20 years writing the book, which is based on true stories. Read about it at Ellie's House.


  • I so appreciate this site and all the work y'all do. But sine you've asked, I'll be honest. I love social media, but it eats up so much of my time, my writing time. Li...
  • Your comment below is powerful. I have mixed feelings about your post above. I do believe in supporting women, but not just because they are women. I need to have base...
  • Mine are: 1) Start the novel that has been circling around in my head for about 2 weeks now 2) Barring the novel coming to fruition, at least write something creative about the idea that I have 3) Actually figure out how to develop a character even it is based on me and my life