
  • Nice job She Writes and Mona! For Kerouac House residency info, see link. The Kerouac Project is operated by an all-volunteer staff. Application deadline is April 1 of each annual cycle, submit electronically, $20 Fee. 100% of Application Fees directly support the writers residency expenses.
  • Zoe, what a heart warming story. I found myself remembering things around my house that once were my Mom's. I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing!
  • Katherine, I absolutely love this post. The imagery and the way your write is very vivid.For instance, when your wrote the following: "She was not fine. I have seen pe...
  • Great List Jill -!  My New Year's Resolution is to de-clutter my home (and by doing that, my mind ;)) - to that end I plan to take two bags of stuff out of my house every day.  One bag to charity, the second of things that have to be thrown away. 
  • Thanks for this on the author responsibility aspect of promotion. And, it's so true. In the business end of things, the sales are the last word. And since the '90s, th...
  • Jean, thanks for sharing this moment with us. I imagine myself someday doing as you have - laughing and crying for finally reaching a life-long dream; for the affirmat...
  • Bobbie, at least you have space? I don't do well with clutter in any part of my house. I tend to be a person who needs the calm of a sparse setting, but I think some personalities are more apt to keep, collect and pile. Maybe a donation to your library would help. :)
  • With my book, A Bushel's Worth: An Ecobiography, coming out in August from Torrey House Press, this is a great reminder of the power of the very kind of community I wr...
  • Kamy, a great post and remembering Diane Middlebrook was interesting. I completely agree.  Not to mention the extra tension that emerges when a woman feels that, to be...
  • Laura Janis Thompson commented on her article The Lone Writer
    Thank you so much! Sometimes it does seem very much like a solitary process, but I love how occupied I become when I am writing. Don't you love the feeling of being immersed? I might be equally busy when cleaning the house, but somehow never quite feel the same as when I am writing! :)