
  • My tendency is to put forth the face I want people to see: Sharpwitted, together brainiac. Or soemthing like that! It's partly my journalism training -- I try to be fa...
  • One way I get myself to write each week is to make reasonable commitments.  I ask a beta reader friend to review what I've written.  I put her on a schedule to receive...
  • This one's waiting on my nightstand, Anne! Faith, concealment, motherhood, religion, saga,and a novel based on real people and events in our own family - all elements in my own work Even in Darkness (SWP April, 2015). Looking forward to reading this book and wishing you well with it!
  • Thanks for your response, Brooke, and for clarifying. it's very difficult to self-judg...ell our books, it's not because of discrimination; it's became of the business model. They get stuck with books t...
  • I love my cover and I get so much positive feedback about it! In fact, my 16-yr-old son just won a Scholastic Arts and Letters Gold Key Award for a ceramics project he did based on my book cover!
  • You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas. ~Shirley Chisholm Alicia, My surprise com...
  • My best friend from high school and i are talking about writing a book together, alternating chapters of our experiences growing up in a beach town on the 80's, separa...
  • Based on how I've seen men communicate with one another during my years as a technical writer, I don't see much need in them to express themselves -- to make known wha...
  • I agree with you, obligatory tipping needs to go. But I think tipping based on service standards should not - I live in China where there is no tipping and none of the...
  • A roller coaster ride to publication, indeed.  . . and a very interesting interview. I wish you luck with the book -- and the new press. Speaking of which, if Alikai Press is indeed based in Mount Kisco, that makes us neighbors. I live in Katonah. Maybe a cup of coffee is in the stars for us.