
  • ...ture my daughter as often as I can.  For example, I wait until she is trapped in the car with me for what I know will be at least a thirty minute commute before making the announcemen...
  • Enjoyed this post.  It is a great reminder that I am not alone in needing to weave my writing time around a day job (luckily, the commute gives me some time to write), parenting and f...
  • ...y breakdown, since I've embraced advancements in technology, if it's longer than 500 pages I try to get an audio version to listen to on my daily commute to and from work and also whi...
  • It is easier now because I'm unemployed, and in any case, my parenting days are in the past (27 and 19.) When I was working, it was a one hour commute (each way) work, return home and...
  • Sue
    ...two hours early to write/edit etc and come home at night, and do the same till bed. -I read on the bus to and from work as I have almost an hour commute each way. -I have a great Cha...