
  • Thanks Julie for a good, informative and encouraging post on social media.  It's a tough world out there.  I've been really trying to build my social media platform th...
  • I knew that your name was familiar--it comes up in my CodePink e-mails. I am (I hope) getting out of another cycle of depression and I can't do that if I'm not working...
  • Thank you for your post, Brooke. Well said. As a self-published author of four books---and counting---I can certainly attest to what you say. It does seem to be a matt...
  • Thank you, Brooke, for an insightful article that precisely describes my experience this summer when I spent two intense months researching the appropriate literary ag...
  • Oh my god yes! I hate writer’s block. What I do is I write something short, something that is not related in anyway to what I am writing. It could be anything like how...
  • Julie and Diane, I'm so happy that this post is encouraging to you both, and really hope to help you with any overwhelming parts you may encounter. While the audience...
  • Writing was the easy bit for me - in no time flat I had a three book series each book around 100,000 words. Story line is good. I have done several edits and revisions...
  • Great story! This is such a hot topic even Jean Rubin weighed in on it! I think it's about finding balance, fulfillment and allowing children to find their talent AND have a solid foundation of adcademic skills. After all, it's creative thinking that moves the world forward.
  • I love the new look! I am already finding it easier to navigate and find the blog posts and other pages more readable; that of course will translate into me spending m...
  • Great post, Jill. All very true and all extremely relevant. My kids are adults now but when they were younger I struggled with wanting to shield them from such knowled...