
  • Great post, Maria! Not only have been sending hand-written thank-you's but also any short that might accompany my book or more recently for me, my ARCs I've even gone an extra step to use a custom note-paper to keep with my branding.
  • @Anna . . .I've read Word docs via an App called 'GoodReader', in which you can comment and highlight. I'm going to get the 'Pages' App, which should let me retrieve and edit Word docs. Will report back.
  • I agree that books need editors, and yet I did take the cheapest way out for my novel, Au Pair Report.  My writing group served as substantive editors and I did my own...
  • Great report. There's a good article on the same subject at
  • Congratulations to you and blessings upon you for bringing up this subject. Rape is still so shame-filled that many victims still don't want to report it.  But let me...
  • Really? The report made it sound exactly the opposite, as if the numbers were "already" growing for Amazon. Thanks again!
  • HI Kamy...while I (and I'm sure many others) have a number of these talented writers on my shelf, I can't help but wonder who exactly chose this panel? I continue to s...
  • Becoming Supermommy:   I'm so sorry you had an awful experience with the police.  I should actually amend that statement, as I have had some good and some bad experien...
  • Thank you for the continued comments on the article. While it was my intention to bring the subject of ebook piracy to the attention of the group, I certainly don't wi...
  • Hi Jessica, Thanks for letting me know my comment "disappeared". Not sure I'll be able to recreate it verbatim but I'll give it a try. I know I started with "Wow!" Bec...