
  • I'm a lover of real life books. LOL. I don't have any ebooks or e-readers of any kind. I've been reading since I was three. Had a favorite book that was much like a fa...
  • Kamy, Great article and congrats on getting into BookBub! Based on your numbers above, I'd be really surprised if you didn't make a profit. You did it for the right re...
  • Hi Ellen, I haven't received your book yet and I had several questions. Based on what little I have read, I am guessing that you spoke Lithuanian and had family member...
  • Someone remarked did I know how to track where my page hits are from.  Other than the stats and traffic source thing on my blog, do you think something like Goggle An...
  • Janet, using Google Docs (now called Google Drive) is fine if 5 GB is all you need. Similar to the free version of DropBox (which gives you 2 GB for free + extra for i...
  • I like what you said about death. It is like a loss when you have to give up on an idea that you have worked so hard and long on. Your comment made me think of Lao Tsu...
  • This was a terrific talk! Your data and visuals were right on. And I liked your reference to the previous pink/blue stereotyping. How did that change?  I wish you had...
  • You're welcome Cathy, Lisa, Mickie, and Kamy! Glad to be of help. Google Analytics is pretty detailed but I think just taking some time to fiddle around with it goes a long way!  Jennifer
  • here's the link to the map and the photo of the latest one: The graph represents a network of 298 Twitter users whose recent tweets contained "#weloveSWP", taken from...
  • Hi Trish, Google Analytics is a great free tool that your webmaster can implement easily (and quickly) on your site. You'll need to request an account from Google fir...