
  • Good grief. I don't think anyone would suggest that gender inequities are the cause of all of our "problems".  And certainly, some, of ALL genders and persuasions, may...
  • Bella, I love the way you are able to simplify people's most basic reasons for reading:  to see ourselves.  You're right.  All human beings are selfish.  Keeping this in mind will help me to shape my words for other's consumption, even when I am basically writing for myself.  
  • Oh, man! Here I am trying desperately to reduce my consumption and use the local library, but they don't have any of the newest books out. Guess I'm off to Amazon. BTW, the first one on my list is Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie's newest. She is amazing!
  • It's absurd (and not in a happy way) how many authors trip over this aspect of 'writing is also a business' ...from their first pitch to the last sale ... 'specially i...
  • Something I learned from professional speakers... don't tell your personal story to an audience until you have completely dealt with it, i.e., accepted it and overcome...
  • "Publishers are looking for stories that can inspire. That's just human nature and the American way. We don't mind if you were forced to bear your father's child in po...
  • Doreen Burliss commented on her article "My Miami Vice"
    Kids ARE a bucket of stories...BUT it seems now everything goin on in our lives is tooo personal for public consumption! (I have a column on our tri-town paper!)  It gets dicey when their teachers know the weekend nitty-gritty!
  • Absolutely! Writing books for public consumption is an investment. Another bonus of entering (what I'm going to call) worthy contests, is even if you don't win, your b...