
Discussion topics

  • Started by Carolyn Haley
    Last reply by Candy Fite
    ...n her back. But cousin-to-cousin romance is taboo, even if there’s no blood relation. While trying to understand and follow her heart, Linny must deceive her parents in order to ride...
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    • 7
  • Sounds like you have to make a choice: Stay in Las Pozas for free, or pitch the piece to Nat Geo Traveler. Don't deceive the magazine; dishonesty will mar your reputation. If you don'...


  • ...ed romance, except for one short story, and come under the category of crimes, hoaxes and deception where characters use sex, love and romance to deceive people. Continued success in...
  • ...fically just who the anonymous, nasty commenter is. Basically, trolling is highly associated with Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), psychopathy (lack of...