
Discussion topics

  • now? Mom says you can’t just cry all day. She didn’t say “No crying!” like a bossy lady. I saw her cry too. She says we have to get up and get dressed and have breakfast and see wh...
  • .... Who might they be? what kind of jobs might they have: the man with the beard, does he look like he might be a professor? or maybe the way he is dressed, he is more of a present-day...
  • Started by Patricia Gligor the bacon, fry it up in the pan and never, never let you forget you’re a man.” Women were supposed to believe they could do it all and be well dressed, beautifully coiffed and perf...
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  • Wow, Michelle, that is an amazing amount of commitment and focus. Kids and hotels - hard to get dressed, let alone write a chapter! But I could imagine a scene in an empty business center or quiet hotel corner being an interesting scene in a murder mystery :)
  • (and it's now been 100s)..."Well, so what if I'm a fraud?" I try to convince myself.  "Then I'm going to be a damned good one!"  When I get dressed and put on my make-up, I thin...
  • ...lace yoga pants?  Just like fashion, fiction is more than one style. If you start with a person in an interesting situation, you can look at her dressed as she really is....