
  • Really, I just wanted to be on the Daily Show. In my really ambitious daydreams, I wondered who would play who in the movie. :) More seriously, though, I hoped a major...
  • So is this addict making himself better than the others, because he's at least honest about when he's drunk? Because one thing I've found to keep an addict stuck is th...
  • I have now added My Cleaner to my "to-read" list. Thank you for this interview!
  • Yes, I went back to a memoir that I wrote ten years ago. I let it cool for five years, and now have gone through the whole thing again in two writing groups. It's much tighter and cleaner now.
  • I'm a comprehensive reader and I love books and my reader! Instead of filling half my suitcase with books before a trip, I download enough to keep me busy and I'm off....
  • Excellent advice, Brooke! Neither, may I add are book sites; all authors go there to promo books and that is fine is comparable to going to a vacuum cleaners convention and trying to sell a vacuum cleaner.