

Discussion topics

  • Started by waston custis
    A few weeks ago, going to obtain a crazy bulk body-building supplement designed gettin...tions have improved. In 1867, whenever a guy called Eugen Sandow (The Daddy of Modern Body Building ) first prese...
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  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    The beauty industry has been experiencing significant growth that has led to the development of new and advanced beauty products. Throughout the years, people have bee...
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  • Katherine - I'm just finishing up a rather long (170K) novel that I extensively outlined. In "final" form, the outline was around 120 pages long and took me three year...


  • "As my feet found a rhythm, so did my creativity."    As a singer/songwriter, I've long noticed how just getting out for a walk and allowing my body to synch to any rh...
  • Excellent information! An "extra" from my experience as a freelance editor: As an exercise, the author should write some blurbs in the voice of a "blurber" in less tha...
  • Very provocative, Brooke.   What are your thoughts about Amazon's ownership of of The Washington Post? As a writer and a reading addict, Amazon's business model benefits me in terms of prof...