

Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    When it comes to buying weed, users have more options to shop online than the local di...are comfortable with, and they enjoy doing because they won’t make use of any mode of transportation. Additio...
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  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    When it comes to buying weed, users have more options to shop online than the local di...are comfortable with, and they enjoy doing because they won’t make use of any mode of transportation. Additio...
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  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    Do you want to make the process of shopping easier for you?...their behavior with bank good.  Most accepted mode Yes, without any doubt, a credit card is the most accepted mode on any online website. If you...
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  • Anne Leigh Parrish posted a status
    It was where movies stars used to go and rest up, be pamper...script their agents had just sent over. A series of modest bungalows set around a beau...setts. Back when his books didn’t sell or sold only modestly, they lived in a much sma...
  • Cassandra Black posted a status
    Happy New Year! Cassandra Black and Stone Cottage Books Romance. Helluva year, BUT we made it!  Enjoy the holiday, and stay safe.  My best to you and your loved ones.
  • Denise Miller posted a status
    Life is a rollercoaster ride. It is formulated by a series of ups and downs, curves and bends. How we deal with preparing for the ride and holding on along the way is...


  • Wonderful post. As I fall into the garden mode, I can't help but miss the last two gardens that I had to leave behind. I have to keep nudging myself out of sadness for gardens past, while learning to fully enjoy the new palette that I have to work with. Thank you for the enjoyable reminder. Patti
  • Thanks Kimberly! Let me know about the books you review. I enjoy reading the crafty ones;-)
  • Dear Joyce\Chng This is such an important question. I know that it is possible to write about someone's culture other than your own. I think that the commentators of y...