
  • Dawn, thanks for your post. I'm new to She Writes and this is actually my first comment on the site. But it is definitely fortuitous, or maybe it's serendipity. The bo...
  • Yes, thank you for your feedback. My pattern mirrored yours, in part, with applications to several residences (two of which have been awarded for the summer) along wit...
  • Liberty, you're absolutely right. Blogs can be used to centralize everything. Glad to see such an enthusiastic blogger! Janis, thanks for the birthday wishes. Glad yo...
  • This is a very good post. But as somebody who has self-published, let me translate: Don't think that self-publishing is going to be inexpensive, or quick. If you want...
  • Jenna-- I'm way past my 24th year, but if you visit Sarah's website, I bet she'd love to chat with you. She is so enthusiastic and has such vision for her writing. I love her outlook and envy that she found her focus so early in life. 
  • I sent my questions (in post below) to JukePop and received a very prompt reply (reprinted here).  The 6-month exclusivity is the deal-breaker for me.  I submit parts...
  • Liz, you continue to amaze me with the amount of information you can gather, process and disseminate! I am glad to be a Spring author with you - you're so enthusiastic...
  • It does seem so unjust that, after accomplishing the remarkable feat of WRITING A BOOK, you then need to do all this other stuff. A few of my blurbs came from emails s...
  • I have been freewriting for a long time. I write on my continued memoir as it comes out of my brain onto the page, and when I read it to the group and some of them h...
  • Thank you for the enthusiastic comments. I suspected that SheWrites was a good place for a post about being a bookworm.