
  • a brave thing to do.  But even braver was your follow up on your dad's initial response. I like that you talked with him about his decision to exclude himself from reading the page...
  • My children are an extension of myself and it would be hard for me to completely exclude them. I don't write much on specifics as I talk about general issues usuallyl. It is a fine li...
  • Wow--a toughie!! I'm not completely sure if I'm pro- or anti- men-on-the-She-Writes site. I think I come down that it's better NOT to exclude men in general, although to vet profiles...
  • ...excluding men. Like Kamy said, we have the power to block, unfriend, and ignore anyone (male or female) in this community. We have the power to exclude any individual who doesn't co...
  •'s roles down to their daughters, women policing other women's appearances, women who view themselves as "exceptions" acting as gatekeepers to exclude other women, etc.