
  • I’ve just read all the comments here with my hands shaking and my stomach churning the...held about my mother and my own origins since childhood. Hmm, yup, whiny brat mode achieved… but seriously, I th...
  • Yeeeees, thank you for sharing! You state things so clearly that I can really nod too,...t my instincts as a paid writer (which have been set to "panic and desperation mode" for a few months) have been...
  • Deborah, I cried constantly from the first time I heard the news through Obama's speec...s. But when it's people I know personally and love deeply, I kick into 'brave' mode and remain solid as a rock, a...
  • Great advice, Elisabeth! Text sounds different on your ear than it does as you read si...uld read her work out loud at some point, and certainly while in late revision mode.
  • Debby, yes, there is a lot! I started out very organized (like I usually am) and kept a journal of everything I did. Still, I found the experience overwhelming, until...
  • It's so heartening to read everyone's experience--so much shame heaped on folks over 40 these days--an insane notion, losing heart for living, right?
  • That's fascinating, Pat. Reminds me of few times I've learned why I was cast (or not) in an acting job: you flailed your arms the best. I thought you were the one I mu...
  • I don't ask for reviews, which interestingly enough, many readers who are not writers, don't care to write them anyway. They prefer offline (word of mouth) reviews, wh...
  • Michelle Oeltjen commented on her article Completely Terrified
    Hallie and Ann - WOW! Thank you for the words of encouragement and inspiration. I will definitely blog about the experience. I have been waiting for this for so long - I just want it to be here already. I'm kind of like a kid going to Disney World for the first time!
  • Been there!  You did the smartest things--laugh...and turn the experience into a writing piece! Bravo!