

Discussion topics

  • The Help:  My sister, black northerner, loved it.  My cousin, black northerner, hated it.  My gf, white northern, was either offended or disturbed by just about every...
  • I so share your thoughts re: your mixed feelings about the pricing conundrum and I couldn't say it better myself: (1) A book is a product . . . .(2) A book is your lif...
  • I've joined several online critique groups. My favorite and the most helpful one so far has be...editors, ect who all love to write and can be harsh. if you tell them you have "thick skin...


  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    I was halfway through “Homegoing” before I began to connect with it. As Yaw, a histor...dependence. Gyasi was born in Ghana and raised in America. I suspect Yaw was modeled on her father, of whom she...
  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    I was halfway through “Homegoing” before I began to connect with it. As Yaw, a histor...dependence. Gyasi was born in Ghana and raised in America. I suspect Yaw was modeled on her father, of whom she...
  • Anne Leigh Parrish posted a status
    It was where movies stars used to go and rest up, be pamper...script their agents had just sent over. A series of modest bungalows set around a beau...setts. Back when his books didn’t sell or sold only modestly, they lived in a much sma...


  • @Veronica--Wow, I feel inspired reading your comments.  I think writing becomes therapy to a lot of us some time or another in our lives.  I can relate to parents thro...
  • Sunny Frazier commented on her article DAVID VS GOLIATH
    The pool is now a murky turquoise--is that an improvement???? I suppose I could dive in and see if my bathing suit melts or my skin goes zombie. I hear "zombie" is the...
  • My undergraduate degree is in creative writing. The model the university employed was round table criticism. Everyone had a copy of everyone's offering for the day and had had a chance to make...