

Discussion topics

  • Hey, I'm Jo... hmm, is this the right part to add my blog? Anywho... I'm 23, a graduate of a London University in Creative Writing and English Literature. Currently wo...
  • I rehearse my lines on the subway - out loud and with facial expressions. I also do my vocal warm-up on the train sometimes: horse blows, enunciation, the whole shebam. The thing is, in London, no one even bats an eye-lid - except for the tourists. xxx
  • My family has genetic hearing loss and we started learning to lip read at a very young age and the biggest no-no was to  turn our backs when people are talking. We wer...


  • Beautiful! So beautifully said! Thank you. As a journaling teacher for over three deca...hear our voices and words, drops us into a listening, reflective-contemplative mode wherein we are received. Rece...
  • How about "complement" and "compliment"? Or "pore" vs "pour"? She pores over the dental records looking for a match."  And my all-time biggest quandary: "Guess what?" If I'm correct this is an imperative sentence, a polite request or command, right? 
  • Thanks so much, Sara. for this post. And I absolutely love the idea of a new recurring book PR column. I'll be following for sure. One thing I might add from my own e...