
  • ...ver the years that on-site community building isn't what it used to be. Commenting on blog posts has decreased immeasurably and the on-site group features aren't as compelling since it...
  • freedom source website creation tool written in PHP. WordPress is a free platform.It is an easy to use, fast and flexible with a great set of features, designed to make your exper...
  • ...t 7 or 8, but I was so thrilled that I never considered myself anything else! For 30+ years I have been a writer, working first in healthcare PR, features, essays, etc. My book with SW...
  • Today's NY Times features a front-page story by  President Obama on the value of reading. He says that reading novels gave him "the ability to get in somebody else's shoes," and affirms how "invaluable" that experience has been for him as president.
  • your brain will insert a word that should be there but isn't. Not sure if all Kindles do this - I have a DX and it's listed under experimental features or something odd like that. P...
  • ...ubgenre does your writing fit under? Do they have any similarities? If so, will this work in your favor or not? For example, your women's fiction features Baby Boomers and your nonfict...
  • ...l's Agent Carter: Season One Declassified. In that book, we have a lot of different races represented, without naming a single one. It's in their features, in their mannerisms. You can...
  • I'm firmly in the camp of "be true to your art." [1] Yeah, i like footnotes. Anyway, the tone-deaf agent suggested i rewrite my novel, which features three female protagonists, to...
  • ...a nonfiction template, which is working just great. My favorite feature is the corkboard which is a virtual storyboard. And there are many other features I've used in researching, add...
  • ...mmunity with them, wherein I feel free to engage them in my process and I get feedback as I blog talks about this process more. This site features my nonfiction work to date