
  • Hi Brooke and other commenters, I've been reading Poets and Writers which also has a piece this month about the quieter messy memoir that puts the stuff out there in a...
  • Kamy, I love your spirit of "churning butter" with fury, and then stepping into bold action! Love your process here -- a real investigation and study of a MYSTERY. A m...
  • There was an interesting article in Scientific American (about a zillion years ago, before burqas and hijabs were common on European and American streets) that examine...
  • Wow, this is a tough issue. Like many others, my first question would be "Why would a guy want to be a part of something so definitively girlie?" Why would "he" want...
  • This is my favorite thing I've read in a while. Thanks for sharing a piece of your solitude with us. I feel what you describe often. My "drug of choice" to keep from e...
  • Brava, Amalia. Insightful responses to the post. I especially resonated with this: "Even a relentlessly bleak ending can be inspiring in its own way—if nothing else, t...
  • Hi Olga, You know Pat Conroy, author of Prince of Tides and The Great Santini supports the use of adjectives and decries the stark writing that is in fashion. And he's made a lot of money from his writing. ;)
  • Lori--I appreciate your dipping your toe in one more time. You've said what I wanted to say. I've been stewing about how to respond to your detractors (who are theref...
  • Cheryl, I love the idea of you writing a Thank You note to your book in this fashion. I want to thank you for your advice & help to me too, as I follow a few steps...
  • Dear Deborah, My condolences with the loss of your friend David at age 69. Can't help but think of my own father's death in '69 when we, my mother (52 at the time) and...