
  • Women like you inspire me to continue with my passion. These encouraging tips are so fundamental to writing...thank you for posting.
  • Hi Edith: Thanks for your comment. I first became aware of the effective use of copying when I was in an art museum about a year ago. Many artists begin their careers...
  • Whoops, I meant to add: I believe the difference between fiction and non-fiction writing is that with fiction, you have to discover the story, the character, the ideas...
  • Good thoughts and point well taken. There does seem to be a fine line here. I think a lot of it has to do with writing technique, subject and personal style. I love me...
  • Great post!  I look forward to more of the same.  As a girl who is currently 27 in 2013 I suppose I'm uniquely qualified to answer the question, lol.  But what does it...
  • In high school English, try as she might, Sister Emeline, could never seem to get across to me the proper use of  "me and I".  If only she had known or thought of this...
  • Judy, I like your point here. Most of the time skill and technique are easy to determine, but style is a gray area. Many times what one says is bad another says is goo...
  • Sweet post, Kamy. Very clever. Hey, I marked "C" most of the time, but I wanted a D--"none of the above." I tend to sit in my room and hope someone will find my work s...
  • Monica, you are welcome!  One of my own personal weaknesses (besides using a variety of verb tenses in close succession) is meandering so the paragraph technique is helpful for seeing the total picture.
  • This is a wonderful reminder to value our time. This is certainly a timely article for me as I struggle between a full time position in education, a bustling home fill...