
Discussion topics

  • Oh how funny--you're on vacation and you're doing all this research! No wonder your hu...s platform. :) Now shut off your computer and go out there and get in VACATION mode!!
  • Here I am, finally. Sorry if this is later this evening than some might have expected, but I made it. Thanks and enjoy! AB I am excited to have the honor of a week as...
  • Just checked her blog out. Your book sounds terrific. I'm off to see if I can get a copy online.


  • Romalyn Tilghman posted a status
    When asked about the inspiration for my novel, I answer simply: “I love libraries.” Libraries of all shapes and sizes; new libraries and old libraries; libraries here,...
  • Anne Leigh Parrish posted a status
    It was where movies stars used to go and rest up, be pamper...script their agents had just sent over. A series of modest bungalows set around a beau...setts. Back when his books didn’t sell or sold only modestly, they lived in a much sma...
  • Nora Page posted a reply
    Hi Chantal. Thank you for your message. I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have not checked my account on here for a few months. For me, a spiritual pat...


  • Historical fiction is actually my favorite genre of fiction.  I have always been a fan of history and I love when authors take historical places, time periods and even...
  • Just checked Instagram. Appears you need to have an iphone or ipad to use it. Is there any other way to do this?
  • I just checked out the webpage for Guernsey, and I am so excited to read it! Thanks so much for another great title to add to me "have got to get to this summer" list.