
  • I didn't finish my thoughts. How can these "sites" post books that were pirated and distribute to others? Is it only illegal when you get caught and threatened with litigation? How do they make money if the ebooks are free? What is their purpose for this? Why the risk?
  • "Do we acknowledge race in the name of being inclusive, yet inadvertently emphasize our differences and risk being called racist? Or do we ignore race all together and...
  • Kevin Camp commented on Diane's article I'm Straight!
    Do you ever write columns so dry and droll that the hyperbole is sly or subtle? That's what I enjoy about writing---though I find also that flying over the heads of your readership is certainly taking a risk.
  • Hi Andi! You should start writing the query now. Writing the query will help crystallize your book's hook / premise / mission as you go forward. But you should not sen...
  • @Tony I'm working on the piece that will get into the details now -- in short the advance was good (five figures), the house was major, and the editor was smart. But w...
  • I agree with you, Brooke, that in general trad publishers want to color inside the lines. But my "hybrid memoir" (The Amazing Adventures of Working Girl) was tradition...
  • Last I heard, a couple of years ago at a dinner featuring Jeanette Walls who wrote that wonderful book The Glass Castle: Her mother was living in a cottage on Jeanette...
  • So many of you shared your pitches, I'm going to try one for the novel I'm currently working on: Can two clever but unsuspecting old ladies pit themselves against frau...
  • Hi Juliet-- Mostly mine still bleach out in the summer into blonde, but when I pull it back into a pony tail, all bets are off. I think it makes us look sophisticated...
  • It CAN Happen Here The American so-called “democratic” so-called “election” has shocked and stunned the world. I too have found this bizarre turn of history beyond my...