
  • Excellent post! "Masculinity is a fragile thing, a flimsy construct that slides by on a steady stream of glossy lies. Its adherents are themselves the walking wounded." very thought-provoking!
  • With my first  novel coming out in a few weeks, I can now look back and say that my obsession with the cover was worth the effort.  I had a piece of art in my family t...
  •  Funny we think of frogs, birds and plant life as nature and forget we’re the oddest piece of nature there is. How true that statement is. We guide our days by the clo...
  • @Pamela, this is good to know. I think Amazon is responsive to authors, and I think the quality of the books varies. My sense is that glossy covers are better than mat...
  • Thank you Marie, for this quickly understandable lesson about hyphens, commas and glossy examples of pet abuse.
  • Yeah, well, before I left for Bali, I had dinner with Liz and her husband, Jose. Jose(his real name) drew this wonderful map for me with names of people, restaurants,...