
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • Angela: Fine, thoughtful post. I just gave it a She Writes SHOUT OUT. Sending you strength as you win back each pound. My answer to one of your questions: We might s...
  • Liberty, you're absolutely right. Blogs can be used to centralize everything. Glad to see such an enthusiastic blogger! Janis, thanks for the birthday wishes. Glad yo...
  • Brooke Warner commented on her article What Are E-Books Worth?
    Katherine, it probably shows that I'm a bit peeved with Amazon at the moment. I feel that Amazon is forcing prices down on ebooks, and the impact on my authors is prof...
  • Hi Rosemarie, Not having seen your novel I can't comment on your particular case, but I can offer a few guidelines that my writers have found helpful. The perhaps un...
  • Electric shocks.  Lighting bolts.  What electrifies me usually has the impact of the aforementioned, rather than a sensitive, gentle experience of being lit.   So what...
  • I write travel memoir and there is a large portion of a trip I may never write about because to do so would put serious strain on my relationships with my in laws - if...
  • Wow! Thanks everybody. This was just the shot of confidence and good advice I needed (perhaps we all needed) to hear. It is really helpful to hear how others deal with...
  • I'm finding social media quite fun.  But I feel like a goldfish in the sea on twitter so I wonder how much impact I'm having there.  My blog is (unexpectedly) just as...
  • <<But try to see if you can give as much weight to your supporters as you do to your detractors, gaining enough strength and confidence from those virtual high-f...