

Discussion topics

  • Hi Everyone  - I don't remember when I signed up with She Writes but I didn't start pa...lso new to a course like this.  What has drawn me to it is that I am in crisis mode right now.  I find it difficu...
  • >>There's a misunderstanding about the initial cost of self-publishing....There is no initial cash outlay.<< While the cost of manufacturing books using C...
  • This is so interesting, thanks for sharing everyone!  At PU...ies for ebooks, and we have found that number to be modestly higher than the royalties...h rates of self publishing services, is because our model operates almost identical to...


  • Skeeter Buck posted a status
    Blogging is the matrix of the digital world platform. It connects those looking for information to those who have the information.  Blogging is a scheduled conversatio...
  • Donna Bryson posted a status
    An important story on the front page of today’s Denver Post is about our city’s “housing first” model that gets roofs over the hea...
  • Skeeter Buck posted a status
    Blogging is the matrix of the digital world platform. It connects those looking for information to those who have the information.  Blogging is a scheduled conversatio...


  • Susan, except for the horrible agent thing, what a great experience! So impressive that you wrote TWO novels while you were there. I know that some MFAs try to help their students with the cost. It's definitely worth looking into while researching an MFA. 
  • Pamela: That's a great story about choosing to be authentic--despite "the cost" you feared...
  • I have a lot of difficulty writing if I don't have a reasonable chunk of time set aside to do it.  I just can't sit down and write for, say, half and hour.  Some peopl...