
  • In one sense we are all "emerging writers" just in different places on the continuum. The most well established, well published writers, are still pushing themselves t...
  • Hi Jan, Yes, you need at least a second pair of eyes to go over your work and give you honest critique. If you have an editor or editor friend, they should give you co...
  • Hi Loraine, I think ONE thing (although I know there are many) that a woman can do to improve her life is to develop a skill set that will help her live a productive a...
  • Absolutely. I've learned that networking is one of the most important things a writer can do both to improve their work and to market their product. Even though I live...
  • Lauren, thank you very much for this article. Reading is my obsession and I never leave home without a book. Besides, I'm sure reading helps a lot to improve one's wri...
  • I'm a slush pile reader for a magazine, and it's made me realize that there are a lot of reasons for rejecting a submission that has nothing to do with the story being...
  • Yep, I too jumped on the blogging band-wagon as a way of exorcising thoughts floating around in my head. But it's also helped me improve my writing skills and given me a great outlet just to play with ideas and different styles of writing.
  • Lauren, thank you very much for this article. Reading is my obsession and I never leave home without a book. Besides, I'm sure reading helps a lot to improve one's wri...
  • Stephen, that's great that you use blogging as a way to improve your writing. I think it helps me whittle large amounts of information down to bullet points, which is useful in all nonfiction writing.
  • Your essay comes today as I begin my own blog about handwritten correspondence. I have always been a letter writer, and I count as my greatest treasures letters I wrot...