
  • For one-on-one coaching, writers generally work with me. Our other instructors teach some of our classes but I do also. As a judge for several prominent screenwriting...
  • Your honesty, wisdom and insight into the current mud-and-gravy state of editing and publishing is something I'm grateful for today--a few days before Thanksgiving (my...
  • Thanks Shannon! The process to self improvement is a journey that requires a sometimes uncomfortable look at our actions to find the root of our discontent. Transition...
  • Thank you Deborah for this heartfelt post. Responses to grief are as individual as people. Writers tend to write in response to loss, even though they may also react i...
  • So true, Kelly. I've been there. I suffered for 9 years in an office job I had convinced myself that I liked. But as time went by, I realized that I wasn't happy, my m...
  • Hi Emily - I'd love to guest blog for you, but my content is driven more towards life experiece and self improvement. If you see a fit or are interested, I'm honored. Feel free to drop in
  • Enemies? More like addicts. Returns started for a perfectly valid reason. Publishers extended credit to bookstores in the 1930s because the Depression threatened to de...
  • Loved this post Ellen. It takes a lot of courage to put your work out there, especially when it is a WIP. Sometimes I think that the writer herself is her worst critiq...
  • What is absent from your useful list is the sensitivity of the teacher to writing and his or her ability to offer suggestions for improvement. A "fully loaded toolbox"...
  • Great post, Maria!  Here's a tip I stumbled on for memoir writers:  I took some juicy paragraphs from my Introduction that were all "I," "I," "I" and put them on the b...