
  • ...ines foods not really every 100 grams of foodstuff, yet truly does hence every gram of carbs A low GI food has carbohydrates which has the least influence on your blood sugar levels, t...
  • ...out how they can use those connections to place, like yours with New Mexico, to guide their writing? How does New Mexico directly and indirectly influence your writing? Thanks!
  • .... It can take place in many ways, some is specific to cults, religion, totalitarian governments and some less specific through social influence. Much of our influence comes through our media, e.g....
  • Brooke I, too, learned that an outside happening or influence can stop a writer from writing cold in their tracks. (And, yes, as you the election drove me to first elation, then frustr...
  • Wonderful story, Lizbeth. Isn't it amazing how such random things can have such a big influence in our lives? Clearly, you were meant to write this book. Congratulations!
  • A friend told me about the professor who had most influenced her in her writing life.  "He said, 'Don't tell...had checks in those days). The world is full of wonderful writers who influence and chronicle other peoples'...
  • ...ured by a man from the East rather than the West, choosing a life of service rather than riches, [Boomer moms] will wonder about the values that influence their children's marriages, e...
  • ...known is the money you need to put out to make it happen.  As you noted the passion, quality, and power of you and your presentation topic will influence the outcome and hopefully boo...
  • Thanks Brooke for an informative and insightful look at dollars versus daydreams. Communities such as this one here at SheWrites have a profound influence on all of us because we meet,...
  • Kristin, this is such common thing you're describing—like being under the influence of the popular crowd. For a long time traditional publishing has been the gold standard. We all grew...