
Discussion topics

  • Started by Jenny Steffan
    In the world of skincare and beauty, there's one thing that's always on-trend – a radiant, sun-kissed tan. It's a symbol of health, vitality, and confidence. And...
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  • A.C. - one of the great things about food blogging is that your readers become your recipe testers. I've had people give me feedback after reading about and making my...
  • With the new Julie and Julia movie out, I decided to read Child's autobiography My Life in France. So very impressed by how Child tested and retested recipes, sometime...


  • Debbie...Heat is a necessary ingredient for incubation which was masquerading as writer's block, Robin
  • Doesn't the place we devote to writing say something about our commitment to the work? I remember seeing a picture of the writing "building" Mark Twain put together (a...
  • The idea for my YA novel came to me in a dream about 17 years ago....I wrote it up as a screenplay first, but it just didn't take.  I put it on the back burner and let...