
  • I started out blogging in 2007 as more of an online photo album/diary for friends and family that were on the other side of the country. In 2009 I started my current b...
  • I'm lucky this semester.  My wonderful writing students actually push for supportive yet open commentary.  I've found with colleagues and with students that the initia...
  • Hi Sonia, in reply to your comment, The Fine Line is a print on demand publisher.  We've found that producing books as they are required is both ecologically friendlie...
  • Catherine- In an unrelated event moments before I read your comment, I was reading the reviews for a CD I was considering from Amazon- the new Counting Crows Album. Th...
  • I think the first step is figuring out who the readers are before you figure out how to find them. In my case, Two Pens wants to find readers who are interested in imp...
  • Excellent article! I was cautious to get a blog going for fear of putting myself "too out there" but for all the reasons you've mentioned it has been a wonderful way to connect with people! So worth getting over the initial discomfort with it!
  • I too carry a little notebook with a pen, pencil and highlighter in my purse.  Call it overkill on the writing implements if you wish.  You never know what you're goin...
  • Re Brooke: I don't know their discount. But the fact is that as a Create Space author you can only have expanded distribution channel (which means everything but Amazo...
  • Good solid pitch advice; it's easy to walk away wounded but I think your strategy of keeping in the game for the future is the way to make use of all the work you've a...
  • A friend of mine tried some similar option with their publishing agency and it turned out to be an successful endeavor. She earned quite a lot from the book. However, it's kinda risky bet to take, because of the initial investment needed.