
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • The name that I use on here and around the Internet (at least with writing related or on my writing, it's like an alter ego of sorts and I shift into writer mode.
  • Thanks for a great article, Ellen. Bonnie, one way to narrow down the target audiences for a novel is to look for promotional "hooks" in the book – the location/settin...
  • I'm saying yes to (and seeking out) opportunities to talk about my books the club readers. I think I originally imagined my ebooks floating out to a modest number of computer savvy st...
  • Claire - The dog stare is usually followed by a soft paw tapping my leg, over and over and over.  It can get very challenging :D  She is looking at me right now!  The...
  • There is a new magazine, Scratch, that is exploring issues in the publishing industry. Your topic about going or not going with a Big 5 publisher might be a good fit for the magazine. (It is making its inaugural edition openly accessible but is intending to be a subscription-based online mag.)
  • Pam, I love your comment. Maybe teaching is different from a critique group. If I were to teach a class at our local writing support facility, and I had, say fourteen...
  • Thanks so much for commenting Mardith. We don't want anyone to feel left out; so select programming will also be filmed and archived online!
  • @Lisa and @Suzy, thanks for sharing these experiences with us. Sounds like in both cases you had people who wanted to put you in your place, and that's another common...
  • Very interesting article ! Thanks ! Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clair de Baie Clai...