
Discussion topics

  • I can't believe this thread started two years ago. I read my thoughts at that time, and time has made a fool out of me. Since then, I spent a year at a community colle...
  • I also despise cooties, booger, fart, and horny Also, not gross but really annoying - facetious, copacetic, malignant, and esoteric
  • Hi all an update. Home finally! My hubby is as fine as he's going to be until the next bump in the road takes him another step away from me. This made his sixth heart...


  • Megan Oteri commented on her article #Brain Tumor Thursday
    I am excited to share that we will be featuring a very brave woman and her story this Thursday.  There are a lot of people living with brain tumors - please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Hope. Wish. Dream. Be.
  • I actually got into a fight on HuffPo, the other day, about this article.  As a young mom (my daughter was 5 months old at the time), we discovered that my husband was...