
  • Thank you for your words. A friend of mine, an amazing NYC painter, Meredith Lund, died two days ago. She never received the recognition for her work that she deserved...
  • Naomi, the Internet is still the Wild West for writers. It's my experience that there is little you can do to force anyone to pay you, give credit for your work, etc....
  • My "secret" might be that I am a wonderful writer. I realize that may sound arrogant to some, especially since I'm unpublished, (but my story is not over). It's true f...
  • You know @Kim, I actually found some studies, in researching this essay, that indicate that children who learn to write letters are much better at recognizing them, an...
  • Alonna-- Thank you for that recognition. I love using "the Latin" for animals, because since most of us will not immediately understand who we are "labeling", it frees us up to HEAR what is said. ❤️
  • The WASPs were disbanded after only 2 1/2 of service. The US military didn't think women were worthy of military service when WWII ended. These women were out of a job and received no recognition for their work for 30 some years. I'd say that would fill them with all sorts of emotions.