
  • I do favor traditional, but also like the idea of self-publishing and marketing your own books, Why? Because self-publishing seemingly gives writers more control over the entire process.
  • gets reviewed by them in order to see if it's worth publishing. I learned that they often included people from all departments - sales and marketing, finance, and more - because...
  • I've noticed that some books are pushed more than others. Some receive a huge marketing push e.g. Gone Girl. Other books that might be just as compelling don't receive much readership...
  • ...g there. I was just feeling so unfulfilled and aimless there. I hope this article helps other indie authors like myself re-consider how they're marketing their work OR even better, sh...
  • All great tips, Maria, as you showed by example. With my memoir coming out next week, I feel as though I'm running dry on fresh marketing tips.
  • that surely know how to put your skills in the best light. So, you could either contact professional writers or attend courses on writing for marketing to really sell your skills. A...
  • ...! As to your question: I'd always been squeamish about directly asking readers to review my work, but I've come to believe it's an essential marketing step. I now include that requ...
  • ...ticle, Bella! I would add that when you have several platforms--paperback, ebook, and Audible--you can re-energize your work by celebrating and marketing the latest format. My novel,...
  • I got a tremendous amount of information about Amazon marketing from Tim Grahl. He has books on the topic and a wonderful internet series that seems timely, practical, and relevant to the marketers that we also have to become as authors. Best of luck to you!