
  • My first three books were published by mass market publishers -- Houghton Mifflin, Simon & Schuster and Bloomsbury -- but when it came time to write a small book o...
  • Victoria, I love the follow through! Keep it up! I've definitely had the same workshop experiences - I brought something in I thought everyone would love and they hate...
  • Gabrielle - This was a horror.  It reminded me of 911 too. That same helpless feeling. I feel so badly for all the families. We can pray they find out why this happene...
  • I think it's hard to write with emotional authenticity without drawing upon some our own experiences.  I am reading March by Geraldine Brooks, and it is impressive how...
  • Amazon does NOT always follow the lowest price. I managed to get iUniverse (the publisher)  to drop the price of Tourist Trap to $4.99 early in 2013 because I feel thi...
  • Regarding Pamela Olson's comment, does anyone recall those full color ads that would appear in the middle of mass-market pulp paperbacks in the 1970s? I saw them in bo...
  • Thanks for your comment, Morgan—we'll keep working at this I guess. At some point something will have to give. But as I say in the piece, it starts with indie authors...
  • charlotte commented on her article MFA help, big time
    no problem, i'll work on it and let you know through a message on here. here's the break down on the schools from what i've researched: NYU: 10 pages Emerson: 15 pages Hunter: 10 pages U Mass: 10 pages Brooklyn: 20 pages Queens: 10 pages BU: 10-12 poems
  • I totally agree with Kelli MCCracken. People who read a lot (myself included) are not willing to pay a lot. My limit is what I'd pay for mass market paperback, not tra...
  • Very thought provoking. I write to please myself first. May not be the best thing to do 'business-wise', but I can't imagine trying to please a mass of people I don't...