
  • Wonderful essay!  I don't mind those 'on-the-spot' conversations.  Mama raised me to b...ay be completely different once I actually sell a book.  I could go into panic mode. But then... that's what the...
  • This is exactly why I am doing NaNoWriMo. Well, not the Barbara Kingsolver, Toni Morrison and Maxine Hong Kingston part:) That would indeed be mind-blowing. But, I spe...
  • Gretchen -- I am so curious to see how this journey unfolds! I feel like I have been some small part of it for awhile now, and it is absolutely mind-blowing to see wha...
  • Oh I love this Cheryl! Yes! I hear you loud and clear! I've carried my book (memoir also) and her thoughts ideas and revelations here on my computer and in my mind for...
  • I'm newbie. You say publish pieces on your topic along the way. Can you still use those pieces in the book? Also, can you sell short stories, and they get them publish...
  • Hi, Brooke, Thanks for this post.  The many aspects of publishing are mind-blowing to..., except that, as you've pointed out before, perhaps the antiquated publishing model will crack with little compa...
  • Kelly -- Thanks so much for this description of your journalistic-memoiristic mode.  All fascinating.  I think it...
  • What a great post, Dani. I appreciate your perspective—always—on social media and onli...on NPR last night about boredom, and how it brings the brain back to "default mode," a critical state of mind fo...
  • Thanks Jodi! I'm glad that someone understands. I've been struggling with comparing myself to other people and letting "what if" run wild through my mind. I love the list of things to remind oneself of when envy has you down. And yes, I have cleaned out my fridge :)
  • Funnily enough I had the exact same problem recently, and with your novel. I just reviewed a preview copy of this for For Books Sake, and I found it incredibly hard to...