
  • Exciting! My main advice? Be true to your own voice. Last year I wrote a detailed treatment for an original pilot plus eight episodes. It never "went anywhere," and I'...
  • Hi TOH Lee, I love nonfiction and am hoping to be working on a larger project soon. In the meantime I have lots of essay type posts and freelance articles going. I hop...
  • Thanks for the addition of U Oklahoma P -- my list is not exhaustive, so feel free to post other options! I'm so happy to hear that others have had positive experience...
  • Brooke, again you provide a lot to think about.   First, I continue to see the value and potential for self-publishing.  I was referring specifically to the sharks (or...
  • @Shakira, thanks for the response. @Bella, awesome! You're totally becoming a publishing expert. I love that. I feel so proud. :) @Lisa, if you're book is longer than...
  • Not giving up -- self-pub principle # 1? So, what I was saying... We did NOT have tim...icles here about it) and a lot of fun. We have published many times in the old model of NY publishing, and this i...
  • I know who my fans are--but it's a relatively small demographic: human rights activists and Mennonites who aren't freaked out by descriptions of secular realities (in...
  • Zetta, thank you and Jim for setting me free of worries. The article is tight -- right on. A writer near publication with Amazon or not to Amazon needs this expert adv...
  • Melissa- CONGRATS on being such a superb parent! As the former coordinator of the children's grief and loss program at DE Hospice, Inc. I wouldn't have advised you any...
  • Thanks for this post, Julie.  I think you're absolutely right (and I do remember Name That Tune AND Password AND Hollywood Squares, too).  Writing is such a solitary e...