
  • I don't think I've responded to this, but since I'm still learning the ins and outs to SheWrites, it is just as likely I missed the neon sign saying, "you've posted here already!" Bare with me please. :)   Now to go like everyone else. :)   R.S. 
  • I concur! It drives me absolutely crazy, too!I was an English major in college, so when I hear inappropriate use of our language (or read it), it's like a neon sign up...
  • I'm walking my dog in the forest after rain. The scent of moist Eucalyptus leaves and wet soil fills my senses. I feel the atoms of my body merge with the earth, life filling my body with each breath I drink. I smile. I am swimming in an ocean of life, my thirst is quenched.
  • Love Wrinkle in Time. I keep her collection of poems called Ordering of Live nightstand. "Hold me against the dark: I am afraid. Circle me with your arms. I am made So tiny and my atoms so unstable That at any moment I may explode...."
  • I live around the corner from a fantastic movie house... adorned with brilliant neon in every color of the spectrum. They only play old movies... from Hitchcock to Onc...
  • The first thing I do is something you hinted you might not do in your post - I set a deadline. If I am writing for someone else I make sure the client sets a deadline...
  • Thank you for saying what I've been teaching in the classroom as a substitute teacher. This is something I always catch; it kind of glares at me like a neon sign.